Our home has experienced a change...a very exciting and good change. Bringing home our new baby has been a delightful experience! Even though this isn't new for me for some reason, this time around has been different. More than anything, I think watching my 3 other childrens' anticipation for his arrival, the excitment of him being born, and the new everyday life with him in our home has been incredibly enjoyable for me. We absolutely love and adore him!
Baby Ashton
Born March 7, 2011
Weighed 8lbs 8 oz; 20 inches
The kids were so excited to finally meet their new brother. Unfortunately, their first glimpse of him had to be through a window...they couldn't touch, hold or kiss him until he came home. We were heartbroken! Luckily, they only had to wait one day and so Ashton's arrival home was anxiously welcomed.