Dyreng Family Campout

The highlight for my summer this year was spending a few days at 12 Mile Canyon with my family. What made it so special was that we were all together. I was constantly reminded how much I love each one of them; how each person contributes to the completeness of our family; and how grateful I am to have such an amazing family!

One of our adventures took us for a little hike to a waterfall.

Of course the dump trucks were a hit...even Aunt Natalie couldn't resist!

What cute boys!

Campfire fun

Thomas and Kristyn

We spent a lot of time on the trails and loved the rides on the 4-wheelers, jeeps, Mule, and Razor

On Sunday, Hunter was quite upset that we were having church in the mountains. He kept saying, "We don't have church in the mountains!" But his attitude quickly changed when he watched the big boys and Grandpa act out the Book of Mormon story of King Lamoni and Ammon. We were so impressed with the creativity and performance of our men! The kids especially loved the battle scene and when the arms got cut off!

Grandpa and Grandma Dyreng came up for dinner Sunday night and it is always such a treat to have them around. Despite being in their 80's, they don't let their age slow them or their fun sense of humor down! They are such amazing people. I love and respect them so much. Through their example they have taught me what's most important in life...the Gospel and Family. They have always served so faithfully and diligently in the church. Grandma has stood by Grandpa's side through many years of him serving as bishop, stake president, temple workers, and now the stake patriarch and a sealer in the temple. They still always made time and put our family as a top priority. I have spent countless hours enjoying 12 Mile Canyon, Lake Powell, backyard BBQ's, Sunday dinners, card games, and laughing with them. They have kept us a very close-knit family and I love and admire them so much!

A visit from the TROLL!!
We have a history in the family with this troll...used last year to help the kids stay out of the neighbors yard, the troll has since revisited to give a little scare when necessary to whip the kids into shape. After the adults enjoyed a good laugh, the terrified kids had to be told the truth...the Troll is not real...only Jake or Natalie dressed in a costume. Despite this explanation and Natalie even showing herself in the costuem in daylight, the kids still talk as if the troll is real!

What cute boys!

Campfire fun

Thomas and Kristyn
Such a good dad!

We spent a lot of time on the trails and loved the rides on the 4-wheelers, jeeps, Mule, and Razor

On Sunday, Hunter was quite upset that we were having church in the mountains. He kept saying, "We don't have church in the mountains!" But his attitude quickly changed when he watched the big boys and Grandpa act out the Book of Mormon story of King Lamoni and Ammon. We were so impressed with the creativity and performance of our men! The kids especially loved the battle scene and when the arms got cut off!

Grandpa and Grandma Dyreng came up for dinner Sunday night and it is always such a treat to have them around. Despite being in their 80's, they don't let their age slow them or their fun sense of humor down! They are such amazing people. I love and respect them so much. Through their example they have taught me what's most important in life...the Gospel and Family. They have always served so faithfully and diligently in the church. Grandma has stood by Grandpa's side through many years of him serving as bishop, stake president, temple workers, and now the stake patriarch and a sealer in the temple. They still always made time and put our family as a top priority. I have spent countless hours enjoying 12 Mile Canyon, Lake Powell, backyard BBQ's, Sunday dinners, card games, and laughing with them. They have kept us a very close-knit family and I love and admire them so much!

A visit from the TROLL!!

What fun!!!! Love all the pics!!!
i wanna come!! it looks like a TON of fun!! you have the best family!! miss you!!
That looks like so much fun. I am so glad to have met you. You have such a cute family!
i agree that was the funnest ever! cute post jennie! i love how you worded everything and what you said.. way cute pics to!! i'm so glad we got to do something with just our family this year! it was much needed.. we miss you all so so much! love you!
Oh that looks like so much fun! Ha, I love the "Troll"
I love the outdoors, there is nothing like it.
What an awesome trip! Such a great way to make memories for your family!
I love your family. I want my (future) family to end up just like yours. I seriously hope I can create memories the way you guys have been able to.
& your kids? So big! Your boys are getting to handsome :)
Cute pictures! I agree, can't wait until next year!
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