To be honest, some days I didn't feel like I was. Three kids in diapers, three schedules, three different meal preparations, and everything else that goes with it was overwhelming, to say the least. I often thought, will the day ever come when it's not so stressful and chaotic? When I can start and finish a project? When I can run simple errands without it being a whole production? When I can go grocery shopping and not get the look and head shake that says, "what is this woman thinking! She has no control over her three kids!"
Well, I did surive! The day has come and I now have all three of my little ones in school. I am loving it! My sister asked, "How are you going to celebrate your first day when all the kids are in school?" Although this may sound silly, I was so excited to just be at home and get caught up with laundry and cleaning. After dropping Jalen off to preschool, I went home, turned up the radio and was thrilled to be able to do what I needed to get done without interruptions.
However, it wasn't long until the house seemed too quiet; until I started thinking about each one of my kids and wondering how they were getting along and what they were doing. I then started to notice a few precious momentos of my kids....
Jalen had earned some M&M's and wanted to save them to eat after preschool. He told me he was going to find a secret hiding spot. I thought it was quite entertaining because no one would be around to try and steal them, except me, and even though he knew I wouldn't do that, he still insisted on hiding them. I didn't pay much attention to his efforts in searching for a safe place but I soon discovered his hiding spot when cleaning out the microwave....
How cute is that! I never would have thought to check the microwave if I wanted to steal his M&M's! Jalen is such a funny boy.

Then I noticed Mason's bedroom. I couldn't help but smile at the way he had "cleaned his room". Mason has many "special treasures" that he won't store in drawers or in the playroom. He used to insist on all of it being on his bed even while he slept. Sometimes there was so much stuff (I mean "special treasures") on his bed, that there was hardly any room for him! Instead of making his bed and picking up clothes, which I thought cleaning his room meant, he organized his special treasures. This discovery sure made me smile!

My last discovery was when I found Madelyn's family of cars on my dresser. And although it wasn't anything remarkable, it made me remember what she had been playing that morning, and how cute her pretend conversation was with all the cars.

Instead of feeling annoyed that Madelyn chose my dresser as her garage, I felt a big wave of emotion come over me. I felt so grateful for my three precious little ones...who aren't so little anymore. Despite the chaos and craziness that comes along with children, I receive such fulfillment and sweet joy from even the little and simple things they do. They make me feel complete and I wouldn't change things for the world! I've decided that what I love most about those few hours alone each week, is the fact that I appreciate and love my kids even more and are ready for them to come home!
First Day of School Photos

Madelyn was very excited to return to school in Mrs. Williamson's class. She is a social butterfly and has missed her classmates. She also loves structure, projects, and being kept busy so she was ready! She is such a sweet girl and always watching out for others. She has already observed one girl in the class who doesn't have many friends and who other kids make fun of. She often tells me of her kind words or actions to include this girl and help her find friends. It makes me feel so proud of her!

For months I worried about this day for Mason...sending him to kindergarten. Because he often cried before going to preschool last year; all summer said, "I'm NOT going to kindergarten!" and being the soft-spoken and sensitive boy he is, made me nervous. However, after meeting his teacher and receiving special mail from her, Mason's attitude completely changed. It also makes a world of difference because two of his best friends and many other church friends are in his class. On the first day, they all walked in very excited. No tears. No hesitations. Just big smiles and total excitment for this new adventure. Although I was happy Mason was not upset or scared, I also felt very sad...the realization that Mason's growing up was there. His days home with me are in the past and there was so much I wanted to do with him but never had the chance. Time just goes by way too quickly!
Cody Lunt, Mason, Ethan Ashton

Jalen and Brayden made themselves right at home in the classroom. Jalen was very disappointed when he realized he didn't get to stay at school, too. Lucky for me (although he doesn't think so)..Jalen gets to stay home with just mom for two more years!

Jalen's turn finally came for his first day of preschool! He was so excited. However, he discovered two things he was quite upset about: 1. he doesn't get to take a lunch like Madelyn and Mason and 2. his school shoes don't have "ropes" which I am now learning is a very important thing to him!

Don't let his scowl fool you! He was TRYING not to smile! He finally gave in and was so excited to be with his friends and teacher, Ms Jenna.

I think this is the cutest flippin' post ever! I love back to school time. I love to see the kids so excited and anxious. I love the new backpacks and notebooks they have so carefully organized. Priceless!
i can't get over all your kids are now in school!!! that is so wonderful!!! enjoy your time alone!!!
jennie that was such a neat post! i'm so glad you posted that and everything that you said.. i bet you are loving life with them at school but i would be the same way.. and i bet you were more excited to get them home and hear all about their day.. I know i have told you many times but i just love and adore the mother that you are!! thanks so much.. miss you guys so so much!! by the way the kids looked so dang cute for the 1st day! love you guys:)
Haha!! Love the pics! Those special little things they do are so fun! Phil thinks I'm crazy when I take pics of things like that but one day we will look back and be thankful!! Cute post! Your kiddos are so adorable and growing up so fast!!!
Jennie I loved that post. Your kids are so cute, and I don't know why you ever doubted yourself you are such a great mom. Tell your kids that we love them and hope that they have a great year at school!
You always have the cutest posts! Your kids look so cute. My kids miss them very much and talk about their cousins every day.
I loved that post! There is so much emotion with going back to school. That is cool you will have a little time to yourself! I love it when I get to clean all by myself too:) Which is what I should be doing right now. That camping trip looks pretty awesome as well.
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